Fastest Winter Motorsports Travel Inspiration | Travel Zone by Best Western

Fastest Winter Motorsports

By Best Western
  • Person Skiing on Slope

Winter is in full-swing and you’re ready to get outdoors, stretch your legs and experience some real adventure! Discover the four fastest winter motorsports that are sure to give you an adrenaline rush.

1. Freestyle Snowmobile Cross

Have you ever wanted to race specialized, high-performance snowmobiles around tight turns, banked corners, steep jumps, over obstacles – all at 60 MPH and on the snow?  Freestyle snowmobile cross (also known as snowcross) is the winter motorsport for you.

2. Frozen F1 Racing

Formula 1 (F1) racing is the highest class of single-seater auto racing, where drivers compete in near-identical (hence, the “Formula”) roadsters to the finish line. Up and down hills, through rights and lefts, frozen F1 racing does just this on ice! This frozen sport is not for the faint-hearted.

3. Ice Rallying

Rally is a motorsport that isn’t distinguished by a circular track, but by a point-to-point map format where drivers compete against pure speed and time. Ice rallying does the same, but in the snow! Fun fact: This motorsport dates back to June 1895.

4. Ice Speedway

Are you into motorcycles? Ice speedway is a take on motorcycle speedway racing, where drivers race on enhanced icy terrain using bikes with spiked tires and NO brakes! This winter motorsport can create speeds up to 80MPH.

Book your next icy adventure at Today’s Best Western for great, modern brands and economical amenities to make winter trips a breeze. Are you a AAA or CAA member? Save up to 15% on your next stay at Today’s Best Western.

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