How to Plan a Trip with Your Best Friend Travel Tips & Trends | Travel Zone by Best Western

How to Plan a Trip with Your Best Friend

By Sabrina Tosh

We all know how it goes- you make a group chat convo, talk about all your biggest traveling fantasies, and then never go. Instead of sending sad face emojis, get your travel dreams out of the group chat! Traveling with just your best friend can be an exciting and memorable experience, here is our guide on how to plan a trip.

Choose a Destination

Your first step in planning a trip with your best friend is choosing a destination that you both want to visit. Start by making a list of places you’ve each always wanted to go, then compare your lists to find your perfect travel destination. Take into consideration your budget, time off work or school, and any other obligations you may have before choosing a destination.

Create a Budget

Once you have decided on a destination, it’s time to create a budget. Discuss with your friend how much you both can afford to spend on the trip. Make a list of all the expenses you will have, including transportation, lodging, food, and activities. Make sure to book your stay with Best Western® Hotels and Resorts. Create flexibility in your budget, with at least 10% of wiggle room, and anything you have left-over after the trip is a success! Be realistic so that you’ll have enough money to cover all your expenses.

Plan Your Guide

Planning your guide ahead of time will help you make the most of your trip. If you’re looking for inspiration, Travel Zone has tons of guides to help you plan ahead.  

Make a list of all the things you want to do and see while you’re in your destination. Make your reservations for non-negotiable meals or tours. Research and book any activities you want to do in advance to avoid missing out on anything, and make sure both parties agree. Allow down time with breaks to regain strength for the days’ plans! Remember to take your best friend’s interests into consideration so it is the best time of both of your lives!

Book Flights and Accommodations

Once you have a budget and itinerary, it’s time to book your flights and accommodations. Look for deals and discounts to save money on airline tickets! Don’t forget to book your stay with Best Western® Hotels and Resorts. When booking your hotel stay, make sure to consider the location of the place you’re staying so that you don’t book a place too far from the places you want to visit on your trip! Pro tip: Best Western® Hotels and Resorts offers more than 4,500 locations worldwide, which offers convenience and affordability for your best friend trip. 

Pack Smart

Packing smart is essential for your traveling experience! Make a list with your best friend of all the things you will need for your trip, including clothing, toiletries, and any electronics you may need. Coordinate with your best friend – someone bring the blow dryer, someone else bring the straightener! Also, coordinating cute outfits is always a must while traveling!


Communication is key when traveling with someone else. Make sure you and your friend are on the same page throughout the planning process to ensure the best time possible. Discuss any concerns or issues that may arise during the trip as soon as they arise and come up with solutions together. 

You should also communicate during the trip to avoid any misunderstandings or conflicts, especially if one party wants to change plans. Communication will never be perfect, but staying on the same page will allow for the most exciting trip!

Be Flexible

No matter how well you plan, things can always go wrong during a trip- and sometimes those are the best parts! It’s important to be flexible and adaptable. If your friend doesn’t want to go out and do something or prioritizes rest – go on your own (if it’s safe of course)! It is important to be independent, even with your bestie, to ensure you have the best trip possible!

Have the best time!

Don’t stress- you are going to have the best time! Once the trip leaves the group chat, the real fun begins!  

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