Discover THIS Holiday Travel Hack Video | Travel Zone by Best Western

Discover THIS Holiday Travel Hack

By Chet Garner

The holidays can be tough to navigate with family. Luckily Best Western has THIS travel hack to make your holiday merry for everyone!


Chet’s Wife:

Hey sweetie. So, my mom and dad just called in, they want us to stay with them for the holidays. The whole family will be there. Sleeping arrangements will be a little tight. And yes, they always run out of hot water. And the coffee is weird. I suppose it’ll all be a little hectic. I mean, it won’t be anything like when we stay at Best Western. Those rooms are really nice. And the beds are so comfortable. And we have our own bathroom. Not to mention all the other perks. You know, now that I think about it, and say it out loud, maybe it would be better if we just stayed…


At Best Western! Great. I already made the reservation.

Chet’s Wife:

You’re the best.


Love you too. Bye.

Make the holidays extra happy, because wherever the season takes you Best Western is there. No, really. You should book right now.